Feeding your Friday-feeling?


It’s Friday. I’ve just eaten my oh-so-healthy bowl of muesli with strawberries and yoghurt for lunch and I am not satisfied. My body is confused. No bacon for breakfast and no naughty white bread for lunch… my Friday-feeling is in a daze. It needs feeing… as a type I can literally hear by Friday-feeling saying; “Hey Toots, whatchya doing? Where’s my treats? FEED ME.” Feeding your Friday-feeling is a ritual that must be adhered to and a healthy way to mark the end of a week.

If there was a Fancie in Leeds, I’d have a #FancieFriday most weeks – but there isn’t, so I need to think outside of my Sheffield-sized box. A few weeks ago I opted for coconut mushrooms – but I’ve already had those this week so I can’t have them again. KitKat? Now there’s a chocolate bar that knows how to make a Friday feel like a Friday… erm, no. I’m not really in a KitKat kinda mood.


After writing my post I have about 15 minutes of my lunch left to go grab a sweet tasty snack and feed my Friday feeling. Leeds Market has the cutest old style sweet shop – I’ll go there. I’ll Instagram whatever I come back with?

Go on – feed your Friday-feeling! You know you want to!

Until tomorrow

Hayley Jayne xx



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